Training to Perform - Sales Performance Improvement

Internet Age selling skills including communication, language, rapport and selling psychology require regular practice and daily use with feedback from experts until they are mastered and it takes years until they are all fully integrated into a saleperson's make-up.

Sales performance improvement starts at new hire ideally by providing;

  • A learning methodology that uses modern learning methods and recognizes that the most effective learning occurs on the job and from peer and manager feedback,
  • Classroom Sales Training to engage individuals in the journey and for an initial video role-playing assessment and skill development sesssion,
  • Performance Support for the whole team to master the theory elements of consultative selling e-learning trialinterpersonal psychology, communication and language,
  • Honest feedback on actual performance in face-face or telephone selling situations from coaches and field sales managers,
  • Regular role-playing in the branch with peers, sales managers and feedback from expert coaches, where the sales person is out of their comfort-zone in deliberate practice,
  • Self assessment after every call as to what went well and what could have been improved,
  • Spaced Repetition, deliberate practice and feedback on video in classroom immersion to expand an individuals "comfort-zone"and learn new and advanced skills.
  •  Regular performance assessment from managers, certification and advancement.