
Why Change Selling Blog



I'm speaking with Stephanie Tilton, marketer, writer, blogger and expert on generating inbound traffic based on the words you write in blogs, E-Books and White papers. I'm showing Stephanie in real-time how easy it is to create a blog-post on Hubspot's Inbound Marketing platform and I'm getting some free advice on writing white papers.....I hope this is of interest to you.Stephaine Tilton

 According to Stephanie there are five main areas of focus when writing to generate traffic....these are:-

  1.  Who are you interested in connecting with?
  2.  What are some of their concerns that you could potentially help them address - what is their buyer-persona?
  3. How does your content align with the various stages of the buying cycle? - this is important as one-size fits all copy might work in retail clothing, but not if you are selling technology. 
  4. Create a clear and compelling reason to take the next step with your company.
  5. Focus on what your prospects are interested in - not your company or your products.

Download a free copy of Stephanie's E-Book, entitled "5 Steps to a White Paper that Pulls in the Perfect Prospect" which I highly recommend.

This whole exercise took 15 minutes (including meta-tags and optimization)...and would have been faster if I was a better typist. Check out Hubspot's case study on how Advanced Marketing Concepts increased inbound visitors and inbound leads by 500% in 6 months on YouTube.com