Whiteboarding for Effective Sales Engagement

Get Salespeople DOING Product Training at your Kick-off with a Whiteboard Story

Need salespeople to learn, retain and use you new value proposition to get traction right away?

whiteboard kickoff trainingWhether selling in-person or over the Internet, Whiteboarding works to better engage, diagnose and qualify than any Powerpoint ever will.

  • Complete the form to download the case study of how a leading virtualization company enabled their global team to tell their positioning story in half a day and use it the very next day.
  • Learn how Whiteboard Sellings's MESSAGE methodology helped clarify the value proposition and created a compelling visual story that everyone could tell.
  • A 1/2 day best practices ENABLEMENT Symposium at your Kick-off or delivered virtually, enables salespeople to learn and own the message and gives them the confidence to use it the very next day.